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My name is Alex Egan. I am 17 years old and I attend Kings High School. I have loved creating art since I can remember. Art is something that just comes natural to me. I have had experiences in Photoshop, Flash Player, Premire, Encore, and Illustrator. All of the pieces you see here have been created with one of these programs. I love creating unquine pieces of art. I like to look at things in a different fashion. My art is basically my life. It shows how I like certain things and what I was thinking at the moment. 


I put a lot of time in creating my pieces. I tend to be one that likes his things to be just right. Everything that I create hasn't just been thrown together for the heck of it. It has a process, and has been carefully thought out. I sit down, whether it's to draw or use a program, and I think about all the possible ways I can tell a story though the piece. Maybe I want someone to learn something or feel something. Regardless, I need to make sure I take that into concideration before I start a piece of art. I want people that view my art to take a step into my personality, even if it;s just for a short while. Who knows, maybe they will take something away from it.

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